What does it look like to be blessed? Who is blessed? How can we be blessed? How does knowing what it is to be blessed change our outlooks on life and death? In the introduction to Jesus longest and most well-known sermon, he answers all this and gives those who follow him the greatest comfort and joy.
Your Life's Purpose
Life starts to fall apart when we forget its purpose. As we approach the our end goal, we know how to live and we remember why.
Join the King's Coronation
This is an event worth all our pomp and circumstance, our great joy. Christ has ascended to his throne. Your King rules for you.
Actually Do It!
Our faith will not allow us to think about what we are gonna do. Faith puts God's Word into action
The Implanted Word will Save Your Soul
The Holy Spirit has performed a heart transplant. James writes to perform a checkup and prescribe the right medicine so that our sinful flesh does not reject the heart which will save your life.
Just Passing Through
Ever since Jesus rose again and ascended into heaven, Christians have to see themselves as just passing through this earthly life. This attitude will affect every part of our lives, and give us the strength to endure any suffering.
Follow Christ's Steps
Following Jesus is hard, we often do not like where he is leading us, but these difficulties are what he has called us to with the promise that he brings us through the valley of the shadow of death to the table of the Lord.
Have Jesus, Have Life!
We often know that something is missing from life. No matter what we try to fill our lives with something will be missing if we don't have Christ. But if we have Christ, no matter what is taken away nothin is missing.
A Whole New Thing
Now what? The tomb is empty! Death has been swallowed up in victory! Your sins are forgiven! You have new life! You have eternal life! Everything is different! Now what?
Rejoice, You Have a King Worth Serving
Is it worth it? We have to ask and answer that question multiple times every day. As we see Jesus enter Jerusalem, we have the answer to the most important question for our lives of faith.
God Will See to It
God's testing of Abraham is one of the most difficult events to read in the Bible; however, when we listen to the Lord and remember his promises, we see the great comfort the Lord teaches us through Abraham, the father of all who believe.