God doesn't need our praises for his encouragement, affirmation, or positive reinforcement, but we are told again and again to "praise the Lord". Why? It is good and right so to do, not for God's sake, but for ours.
We Need This House of Prayer
The temple had a specific purpose, it was the place God's people could go to meet with him and receive his grace. When Jesus enters Jerusalem with mourning and clears the temple in righteous anger, he shows us how much his people need a house of prayer.
With Christ by Baptism
What a gift baptism is! By baptism you are with Christ in his death and in his resurrection so that you can live a new life.
From Fishing to Catching: The Difference is Jesus
They spent all night fishing and hadn't caught a thing, then Jesus showed up. When Jesus sends out his disciples, they will be catching.
What is the Measure of Your Mercy
Do we see mercy as a limited commodity? Or do we see mercy as God sees mercy, as something to be freely given.
Jesus Welcomes Sinners and Eats With Them
The Pharisees sneered at Jesus and his welcoming sinners, but Jesus teaches us the comfort and joy this means for us.
From "I Am Doomed" to "Here Am I"
Who would want to go into the presence of God
Celebrate the Coronation
The One who ascends to sit down at the right hand of God is the One who says without limitation, "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned." This is why we celebrate the coronation.
The Good Shepherd Never Leaves You Unattended
Hearing Jesus say he was going away filled the disciples with sorrow. We too wish Jeus could be here with us now like he was with them then. But Jesus gives us this great comfort, he never leaves us unattended, he sends the Holy Spirit to dwell with us in conviction and truth.
It Happened Exactly This Way: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Even in the throws of the worst suffering Job proclaimed this fact for our hope and comfort: A living Redeemer changes everything.
It Must Happen this Way: They Will Look on Me, Whom They Have Pierced
On Good Friday all look on the one they have pierced, even us, we will want to look away, but we cannot. On the Last Day, all will look on the one they have pierced, even us, and we will never want to look away.